
Cordellion is a US-based financial technology services company headquartered in San Diego, California. What started as a casual conversation in a Tijuana coffee shop has blossomed into a complex and powerful system providing tens of thousands of users free access to fully customizable algorithms with which to automate trading on their investment accounts. Cordellion continues to improve its analytics and algorithm development in order to continue to grow and maximize profitability while minimizing risk.

Cordellion also seeks to educate retail investors, allowing them to better understand the nuances and suggested best practices of automated trading.

The company's name is an amalgamation of several different terms.

  • CO - Company
  • RD - Research & Development
  • ELL - The letter L, which is the first letter of the co-founders first and last names, respectively
  • ION - An atom with a net electrical charge

Cordellion was founded in December 2019 by Landon Perry, who graduated from Columbia in 2014, and Daria Lebedev, a Cornell alumna and native of Moldova who had previously built high-frequency trading platforms for financial institutions in New York City. Back in late 2019, the two were returning from visiting friends in Ensenada, B.C., and, while waiting at a coffee shop for traffic to die down and musing on how strong the dollar had become against the Mexican peso in recent years, came up with the idea for a specialized, niche automated client-facing trading utility to leverage the volatility of the cryptocurrency markets. They noted, at the time, that the way Robinhood offered cryptocurrency investment was more similar to trading dollars and pesos at the US-Mexico border than trading stocks, and that Robinhood would be making a fortune off of the spread alone. Cryptocurrency, however, is far more volatile than any major fiat currency, and its fully-automated/electronic status meant that, in the end, it was all about numbers.

The next step was to get someone on board who understood the Robinhood API and was fluent in all the programming languages necessary to spearhead the development of a viable automated trading system. Martin Brooks came on board in December, 2019, to fill that role.

In the early months of 2020, the team was disheartened by the lack of positive momentum or even traditional volatility in major cryptocurrencies, however by April, the cryptocurrency markets sprang to life, and it's been a rollercoaster ever since.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, hiring a team was easier than ever, with many people looking for jobs in the tech industry that wouldn't necessitate in-person contact. Luckily, during the first year of development and early execution, we didn't have an office anyone could even report to, so we sidestepped that issue entirely.

By the summer of 2020, we had a half-dozen mathematicians, programmers, and statisticans harvesting millions of data points to generate predictive analytics to use for both historical and real-time experimental trading bots, seeing what worked against the Robinhood model, and what flopped.

In late Autumn, we decided to start beta testing against real accounts, and gauge our performance against real transactions, not just theoretical ones. We hired Catalina Mccoy, then as our Client Acquisition manager but currently serving as our Chief Operations Officer (Co-founder), to round up some real people who were interested in our product.

After two months of testing, lots of trial and error, overcoming dozens of cumbersome glitches and forced programmatic acrobatics, we decided to flip the switch and deliver our platform into the hands of all consumers.

In February of 2021, with COVID-19 restrictions easing and cryptocurrencies at all-time highs, we decided it was tim to bring the team together by investing in a state-of the art office facility.

As we continue to expand our operation, refine our skills, and further develop our platform, we encourage you to join, and to get your friends and family on board as well, 'cause the more data we have at our fingertips, the better we can serve our community!